Monday, 6 December 2021

The Universe Weeps

The Universe Weeps

over farms, towns and cities

where people have re-arranged

landscape, built stores with bricks

roads with molten gravel that once

were mountains and beaches

where one species has turned

all of nature into a singular financial plan

where the meaning of life is to win

what matters is six figures

separated by commas

and the gift arising from earth

the trees, the roots, the green stems

held in offshore banks 

while refugees wander in the dark night

carrying their babies on their back

and anti-abortionists scream at women 

who have no food for their embryos

and politicians devise plots to disrupt 

reports of need to make justice a game

a soccer match on fields where poppies grew

once housed families  before warriors 

found new enemies underground

and the goal is to manage threats 

delete imagination 

kill the metaphor before it learns to sing 

— ‘we are here’

before humanity realizes its nature

while economists argue over narratives

to entertain consumers

trying hard not to worry

not to be concerned or negative

and so the universe grieves

and weeps

lakes and rivers

over our conspiracy to survive. 

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