Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Will We Survive?

Imperial powers do not forgive those who expose their weaknesses or make public the sordid and immoral inner workings of empire. Empires are fragile constructions. Their power is as much one of perception as of military strength. The virtues they claim to uphold and defend, usually in the name of their superior civilization, are a mask for pillage, the exploitation of cheap labor, indiscriminate violence, and state terror."

Chris Hedges, https://scheerpost.com/2021/08/30/hedges-the-empire-does-not-forgive/. 

"Everyone is to blame for the catastrophe in Afghanistan, except the people who started it. Yes, Joe Biden screwed up by rushing out so chaotically. Yes, Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab failed to make adequate and timely provisions for the evacuation of vulnerable people." George Monbiot, Bloodhounds. https://www.monbiot.com/2021/08/27/bloodhounds/

Last week Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas told Der Spiegel that Germany anticipates an Afghan exodus of between 500,000 to 5 million refugees. Given what will surely emerge as yet another humanitarian disaster, perhaps our focus and attention should turn to the fate of the Afghan people as a whole.

Even the ones who never worked a day for us.

Yes we might get into our private jet and fly to Mars as the earth dries up, the forests  burn and the rivers flood our farms. But we must imagine the misery we shall endure before we get on that rocket or stay here and die.

So I will list the assets we have now. 1. Imagination. 2. Language. 3. Insight into causes. 4. Love for family and friends. 5. Music. 6. Art. 7. Medicine and health care. 8. A bed to sleep in if we have a home. 9. Food. 

Neither you or I created all these by ourselves. We inherited them. The question is how many years did it take for these things to develop to our benefit and who gave up their lives to defend this inheritance? 

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