Saturday, 7 August 2021

I'm Rich. Tax me!

 I am rich. I live in a community where people talk to each other. I learn from them. I have: 
  1. access to opportunity to learn from all the arts groups.
  2. choirs to sing with and be sung to.
  3. a roof over my head, rooms for sleeping, eating and bathing.
  4. cupboards to put away clutter.
  5. a partner who cares for me and protects me from injury.
  6. grown children who teach me with their wisdom and insight.
  7. grandchildren who bring joy with their enthusiasm.
  8. connection to the web, far away and local news and ideas.
  9. enough food to eat and water to drink.
  10. clean air and rain.
  11. first responders trained to protect under dangerous conditions.
  12. nurses, doctors, health care.
  13. trees to protect the earth.
  14. weeds and the bees for germination.
  15. friends who care, entertain and educate me.
  16. language to encourage me to read and write.
  17. music for vibrational belonging.
  18. books to open other worlds to me.
  19. politicians willing to do the constant battle for greater good.
  20. media that publishes the complete story.
  21. neighbours who hold on to integrity and social responsibility.
  22. birds who keep the planet alive by feeding on the fruit and flowers.
  23. farmers who keep their farms healthy to grow nutritious food.
  24. others who correct my hasty judgements.
  25. scientists who delve into the cellular levels of life.
  26. animals who balance this earth with their disinterest in me.
  27. ministers, rabbi's, priests and prophets, who share the history of religions without claiming supremacy over others.
  28. all tireless souls engaged in the maintenance of livable community for all. 

    All these things make my life easier and are worth investing in.

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The Reason For World Poverty