Saturday, 21 August 2021

What is Happening Here?

"What's happening here? I turned on CBC radio soon after 10:00 pm and it went straight into the Current late edition where the host announced the topics beginning with Haiti where things are getting worse then the sound of a very young child screaming. I turned it off. I used to enjoy listening to the CBC programs for the information and not the sensation."

I posted this on Facebook last night. Appreciating the hosted news programs where there is more than headlines of violence happening all over the world.

The news is terrible and yet it supports the power of patriarchal values by revealing how dangerous some male dominated systems are. It seems to glorify the power of destruction as if climate change can be attributed to capitalism, communism, or some other manufactured system.

Of course I am applying my own biases here and my isolated ego-self which is very useful to the systems that use them to their advantage.

Who is to blame? You see how adjusted I am to the way societies support the greed and lies of our hierarchical system?

Agreed. I have to deal with my own $hit! How much of my emotional energy will I give to the trends that diminish life?

Each day that I have breath I can offer support for others who breath. There are beautiful words and songs comforting people in each generation. So I will make my world beautiful by acknowledging the beauty in it. Friends and relatives who love and know the right things to say and do.

In fact beauty for me is no longer lipstick and hairspray, perfect bodies and white teeth. Beauty is in the faces and eyes of people who have enriched life with the habits of love, because they were raised by people who gave unconditional love and acknowledged the gifts within the young vulnerable child.

We live in the climate of power. What can we do? What can we fight? What shall we celebrate? What actual weapons do good people have against the systems that dominate the air waves? 

I cannot help the child screaming in pain in Haiti. I cannot erase the past and replace the future with compassion. My very thinking in terms of the whole, the nation, the religion, the habits and the fears, take away my agency.

There are souls who have learned, written about and filmed documentaries on the power of the sun, moon, planets, weather and soil. Souls who see patterns in social relationships for health and well-being for the planet, suggesting ways we can survive together. In education, medicine and politics - we have agency but we need patience to see it, and strength to keep sweating. That is true power.

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