Sunday, 29 August 2021

Who is to blame? And more importantly what can you and I do?

"Everyone is to blame for the catastrophe in Afghanistan, except the people who started it. Yes, Joe Biden screwed up by rushing out so chaotically. Yes, Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab failed to make adequate and timely provisions for the evacuation of vulnerable people. But there is a frantic determination in the media to ensure that none of the blame attaches to those who began this open-ended war, without realistic aims or an exit plan, then waged it with little concern for the lives and rights of the Afghan people: George Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard and their entourages." George Monbiot, Bloodhounds.

If you want to know the reason we are so broken - read this article. Think about it. Ask yourself why the current media is so lame and why serious journalism is being punished and ridiculed.

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😇 What struggles do you engage in! How are you caring for the life of those you love and those you have yet to meet? What skills do you bri...