Friday, 5 March 2021

Quotes to Remind You Are Human

 “And I’m saying that to all the people with money and who think they have huge status. I think it is a wrecking system for humanity to hold yourself above everyone else and think you are better than anybody else.” Diana Beresford Kroeger

A lack of awareness is the source of all our major problems, whether we’re talking about war, poverty, ecocide, corruption, exploitation, authoritarianism, prejudice, or even much smaller-scale problems like abusive family dynamics or the psychological suffering of the individual. Caitlin Johnstone

"Dark times always threaten the human spirit.  People forget they can be generous, kind and creative.  They forget that humans get through dark times by staying together.  Whatever forces have created physical suffering—pandemics, wars, tyrannies, natural disasters—the true threat is when fear turns into hatred and hatred turns into violence.  These barbaric behaviors camouflage who we humans truly are–caring, aware, vibrant human spirits who want to be together, to do good for those we love, to do good for what we care about." Margaret J. Wheatley. 

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