Thursday, 18 March 2021

Label and File


Label and File

Ridiculous headlines

recycled lies are being published

not because a few

have found comfort in them

but because outrageous claims

have been paid for.

Hate is a commodity

truth does not create money

it’s available to anyone

who is interested.

Could you subvert your breath

into a business plan 

if you translated it into a jingle

in this sanitarium of populism

this planet, colonized by cardboard cutouts?

Save your breath for inspiration

say what you love not what you hate

be the comfort that you seek

and file the work of idiots

in the cabinets of dark rejection.

Whatever you do

don’t write poems about them.

Inhale and exhale.

Relax and beware.

(from Sleep With Me: Lullaby for an Anxious Planet. Ekstasis 2020)

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