Thursday, 25 March 2021

Bring Your Love and Peace Wherever it's Needed


Where did we humans, soft flesh beings that we are, artists, musicians, dancers and lovers that we are ... go wrong? It begins with the love of power for power's sake. We take notice of bullies and guns and tanks and money, we love big homes with lush adornments. But then we forgot about love, forgot about the soft flesh, and worshipped the hard lifeless things - speed, war, guns and tanks and developed our futures on those things. Not necessarily all of us because most of us who were still in touch with life, were taken out of the conversation. There are millions of people who have tried to rescue this planet. Brave people, beautiful people, loving people. However the ruling system has built around it a castle without windows, an island without compassion. The inhabitants are hungry ghosts traumatized by the roundabout and swings of wealth and status. They have evolved into artificial intelligence and desperately keep themselves appraised of where they are on the pecking order. But cannot save the world from their appetites.

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