Saturday, 20 January 2018

When Will We Replace Outdated Left and Right Thinking?

David Bollier argues "that the commons paradigm offers a refreshing and practical lens for re-imagining politics, governance and law. The commons, briefly put, is about self-organized social systems for managing shared wealth."

Bollier writes "the commons as a system for mutualizing responsibilities and benefits is highly generative. It can be seen in the successful self-management of forests, farmland, and water, and in open source software communities, open-access scholarly journals, and “cosmo-local” design and manufacturing systems."

What Will Replace Outdated Left and Right Economic Thinking? The Commons Paradigm

It's a long article and much to chew on and takes me back to the question "what can I do?". Protests and letters are essential but I am looking for a concrete way to resist the violence and injustice so prevalent in this age.

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