Saturday, 6 January 2018

No. 11: Love

11: love is essential for an infant to survive therefore it must be essential to our health

Love is the ultimate resistance against the addiction for things.

Although I have written about a hierarchy of human based resources to replace the hierarchy of position and status, I understand that any thought can become a thing of oppression when written down.

Love makes its own demands and we can be oppressed if we love too much or too little or the wrong thing. Anything good, needful, beautiful or necessary can also be a trap. 

But love pulls us back into the family of things we are born into. This is where we live first.  We belong to another and love underpins the reason. It grounds the intellect with a root, a place that defines us, shows us where to return to.

I have some bad habits, some character faults, sometimes I get in the way, but beneath all that I know I belong here until I die. Here is where love opens for me. That's all. No flashing lights, no fanfare or gushing phrases.

But love requires attention. Wherever a question arises, pay attention to love.

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