Sunday, 7 January 2018

No. 12: Healthy Sexuality

12: healthy sexuality - incest, rape, harassment - are not good for us as a species. 

Sexuality has become a commodity. Portrayed as something you can win if you are a success. Something the individual cannot control. Something the society must govern because individuals are shown as incapable of governing themselves. 

Sexuality is the entrance to adulthood and if children are taught to acknowledge their feelings and to be responsible for the way they find pleasure in their body, then society could be governed by wisdom and cooperation. Children could receive the kind of sex education given to therapists, biologists, counsellors and others, but without the jargon, without the stats.

We could grow into adults who can identify where our power lies in relationship, how vulnerability is not something to be afraid of but a reminder that we all suffer, and we need to learn non-violent communication and how to support cohorts.

A healthy sexuality is respectful of desire - it doesn't watch hours of pornography then harass strangers to alleviate the tension, it doesn't masturbate in public, it doesn't express shame for feelings of desire, it doesn't blame the objects of desire, it doesn't need slang. 

A healthy sexuality is the beginning of a healthy citizen engaged in creating a healthy community.

Incest, rape and harassment are the signifiers of social breakdown, of propaganda, abuse of power, and contempt for all life including our own.  

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