Tuesday, 20 August 2024

To Seek Control Is To Assume Superiority

Yes I feel anxious about the future of this planet. Will my children be okay? Will my neighbours continue to be kind and approachable? Will my extended family be okay? How can I be prepared for the unknown? How can I be safe in a world that values power over kindness? What can I contribute to heal this sickness, this fear, this rush to find answers to the unknown?

I am reading Gabor Mate, watching interviews, and I am alert to any signs that I might be wrong. No I know I might be wrong. Often. These thoughts that keep circling my mind reveal how ill-prepared I am to ... what ... handle the future?

The key word in the last sentence is handle. What can I do? What should I do?

This implies a responsibility even though I don't have the power of control. But who does?

The Prime Minister? The Chief of Police? The Tarot Card? The Globe and Mail?

I know, well I don't know but I suspect you think I think too much. I'm no longer optimistic. I am not in control of "the world". When I was younger I lost friends and supporters because I offered my opinion to anyone who would listen then chastised myself for doing so. Not being an ordained influencer, who cares?

What I want to do is listen, watch, learn and communicate, to be fully human. I think we go off the page when we try to control others. Even teachers, police officers and medical experts, in charge of their particular domains can cause harm.

And that voice in my head keeps saying "You Are Not In Control". Which doesn't mean I should mind my own business, because being a human it is my business to care for the whole, to be concerned and learn as much as I can.

Care is different from control. We are called (in my opinion) to care for our society, the world we have contributed to.

How do I influence the world to be kind, not forceful, to seek peace, not war? To encourage the best in everyone even if we are not sure what the best will be.

Education, democracy, family and concerned groups have done a lot of good work and a lot of harm. I remember a very respected learned man got angry with me when I posed that question. He replied "there are no solutions" which I believed does not mean there is nothing I can do. 

It means learn, read, listen write, read, engage, but don't attempt to control. Remember I am not superior, I am simply annoying and can keep on annoying myself and others to a small degree, but I cannot control others.


  1. I believe we must allow the uncertainty -- because it is the root of freedom.

    1. yes this is wise - allow uncertainty


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