Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Those Who Choose To Ridicule Others


... have lived an empty life. Something is missing and they don't know what. They need others who are different to ridicule because they feel inadequate yet don't know why. Is it because they are not the prettiest in their class or the one with highest marks? They are hoping that soon they will shine at something, be discovered as a great talent. They might even enter a beauty contest just to meet others. They don't expect to win. They may play a sport to see if they will be the star player.  

It is rare to hear them complement others because in their life it never happens. They live with people who become experts on what's wrong with the world. Their tension is to prove they are good, worthy or extra smart. They are alone in their psyche but they pose as the star. Must prove themselves as special because they have not shone in some area.

This all sounds very narcissistic because they live in a world that glorifies power. Only those at the top are worth anything, the richest, the most beautiful, the most gifted.

Next time you come across a bully try to give them a compliment that is not ridiculous. Something like enjoying their company, their observations, their friendship in a way that's not ridiculous. Something like I enjoy chatting with you and listening to what you think, then use a phrase which raises up a small but comforting thing. We are unique and the same in many ways. You are a friend I can talk to.

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