Monday, 12 August 2024

Every Breathing Spirit Has a Role To Play


After watching the closing ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics I felt triumphant. No I wasn't in the games, I didn't do anything for the Olympics and the only time I felt the slightest bit athletic was my first year in junior school.

But as the compliments for all who helped in any way, rolled out and I heard the words of praise, felt  pride for everyone,  it occurred to me - every single creature breathing today has a role to play.

We are all here for a reason. We all have work to do, training, rehearsing, designing. This sounds a bit gushing but it is a truth  we must all ask ourselves.

What is it we are here to do? It's not just watching, judging, expressing opinions.

We are familiar with life to the extent we live it. Engage, rehearse, think about or watch. We are part of this project. 

Then we spent years in school, learning how to contribute a skill. And although some will criticize -- a dreamer, a nobody who overthinks.

The only nobodies are those dismissed as not being useful to the capitalist state. Our being here will not make millions.  To the bankers we are nothing. To the opportunists we are just "meh" or "pho", insects in big bodies.

And we pay back by learning a skill to help the cause of survival while being told we are useless, particularly by media and the almighty fame factory.

That we will never amount to anything, is how we are trained to see ourselves and the whole world other than those who are promoted as winner, a success, a phenomenon, millionaire.  In short a thing!

However the planet we call home is being destroyed by greed and pollution, and to do this, we are hypnotized to believe the process is natural, the truth.

It will take most if not all of us to defend life here above the work of influencers and psychopaths. Not by killing them or anyone else, but by holding up our love for life, social justice and action, writing letters, speaking out, thinking about our choices.

The Olympics required more manpower back stage than Olympians. Imagine how many caretakers this world will need to survive?

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