Saturday, 31 August 2024

Eight Genders in The Talmud

And I thought that this conversation was something new!

The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including: 

  1. Zachar, male.
  2. Nekevah, female.
  3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
  4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
  5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
  6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
  7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing 
  8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.

Friday, 23 August 2024

Without One Another We Can't Survive

This is a belief I have carried since an emotional breakdown I went through when I was trying to be a "success". This is a catch word I adopted before I had children. Stay focused on what I do, what I learn, and how I present myself each day.

What was I afraid of? Being a woman trapped in a patriarchal society?

Desperately wanting to be loved yet frightened I would be trampled on the ground. Not physically but through the values of our society at the time.

I fell for the sitcom capitalist idea that I must win and keep winning, never fail, always win and win and win. The problem was I didn't have a particular talent like winning a beauty contest, or talent contest. I craved all the aspects of show and showing off to my best advantage, always being right, never being wrong.

First time I fell in love I was afraid of struggling with pregnancy outside of marriage. Living in shame and poverty, hated by my family and all who knew me. This was not an unrealistic fear. I was afraid of sexual desire.

To make things super simple, organized societies like religions teach that women are a problem. Because they cause desire in men they can disrupt lives by getting pregnant. If a woman gets pregnant it's her fault. If a man gets a woman pregnant she has been trapped. If a woman lives in poverty its her fault for having sex outside of marriage.

The problem was identified as sex outside of marriage. Now in right wing communities it was woman, temptress, or plain and ugly. Woman not poverty. Woman not that desire which forces us to give in for the sake of continuing the species.

Patriarchy created the social conditions that trapped men into believing strength meant rising above feelings like compassion, empathy, vulnerability, so they learned how to deny their emotional self. This was useful as kingdoms could invade other spaces with large armies of men trained to hide pain, willing to give up their lives for the ruling class who saw them as common undisciplined and uncouth.

While it was the commoners who propped up the upper class, cleaning their homes, making their clothes, paying for education, waving on the path as the royal families drove by, stepping off the sidewalk so the upper crust could walk by safely.

The social order allowed the upper class to fool, rape and trash whoever was beneath them. If they were harmed it was because they were foolish not knowing how things worked. If the upper class were harmed it was because the lower class were immoral.

Believing in other ways of ruling a society we became political. We marched, protested, went on strike and created with our majority to create a more just society. The problem with this was the upper crust were watched and challenged. Of course there were those who were afraid of democracy, social responsibility and evaporating economy.

The wealthy classes are still here, articulate and well educated. Social systems are varied. In the east one nation has made it illegal for women to go outside without husbands, fathers, uncles. Illegal for women to get an education, to go to work, to do anything without permission from father, husband, uncle. All women are beneath any man when it comes to power.

The extent to which "women are to blame" for anything depends on gender or race. Not beauty or talent or knowledge or peace. All our struggles seem rendered down to power. Where there is war its not the most vulnerable that are protected but the most powerful.

This isn't new. This has been the case for millions of years. In fact to point this out is too obvious. The planet and all its gifts ultimately depends on power, not kindness, beauty, intelligence. The biggest bully wins we are told. We are back to the jungle but with AI and weapons of mass destruction.

What will the Eulogy for this planet be after the last human dies? We could have focused more on kindness, peace and wisdom. Perhaps we could have respected the gender that carries life more, included them in the plan, listened to them, nurtured what we have.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

To Seek Control Is To Assume Superiority

Yes I feel anxious about the future of this planet. Will my children be okay? Will my neighbours continue to be kind and approachable? Will my extended family be okay? How can I be prepared for the unknown? How can I be safe in a world that values power over kindness? What can I contribute to heal this sickness, this fear, this rush to find answers to the unknown?

I am reading Gabor Mate, watching interviews, and I am alert to any signs that I might be wrong. No I know I might be wrong. Often. These thoughts that keep circling my mind reveal how ill-prepared I am to ... what ... handle the future?

The key word in the last sentence is handle. What can I do? What should I do?

This implies a responsibility even though I don't have the power of control. But who does?

The Prime Minister? The Chief of Police? The Tarot Card? The Globe and Mail?

I know, well I don't know but I suspect you think I think too much. I'm no longer optimistic. I am not in control of "the world". When I was younger I lost friends and supporters because I offered my opinion to anyone who would listen then chastised myself for doing so. Not being an ordained influencer, who cares?

What I want to do is listen, watch, learn and communicate, to be fully human. I think we go off the page when we try to control others. Even teachers, police officers and medical experts, in charge of their particular domains can cause harm.

And that voice in my head keeps saying "You Are Not In Control". Which doesn't mean I should mind my own business, because being a human it is my business to care for the whole, to be concerned and learn as much as I can.

Care is different from control. We are called (in my opinion) to care for our society, the world we have contributed to.

How do I influence the world to be kind, not forceful, to seek peace, not war? To encourage the best in everyone even if we are not sure what the best will be.

Education, democracy, family and concerned groups have done a lot of good work and a lot of harm. I remember a very respected learned man got angry with me when I posed that question. He replied "there are no solutions" which I believed does not mean there is nothing I can do. 

It means learn, read, listen write, read, engage, but don't attempt to control. Remember I am not superior, I am simply annoying and can keep on annoying myself and others to a small degree, but I cannot control others.

Friday, 16 August 2024


Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Believe What Save's And Nurture's us


Our Eight Principles

As Unitarians we covenant to affirm and promote:

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations;
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  • Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion in ourselves and our institutions.
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.


Monday, 12 August 2024

Every Breathing Spirit Has a Role To Play


After watching the closing ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics I felt triumphant. No I wasn't in the games, I didn't do anything for the Olympics and the only time I felt the slightest bit athletic was my first year in junior school.

But as the compliments for all who helped in any way, rolled out and I heard the words of praise, felt  pride for everyone,  it occurred to me - every single creature breathing today has a role to play.

We are all here for a reason. We all have work to do, training, rehearsing, designing. This sounds a bit gushing but it is a truth  we must all ask ourselves.

What is it we are here to do? It's not just watching, judging, expressing opinions.

We are familiar with life to the extent we live it. Engage, rehearse, think about or watch. We are part of this project. 

Then we spent years in school, learning how to contribute a skill. And although some will criticize -- a dreamer, a nobody who overthinks.

The only nobodies are those dismissed as not being useful to the capitalist state. Our being here will not make millions.  To the bankers we are nothing. To the opportunists we are just "meh" or "pho", insects in big bodies.

And we pay back by learning a skill to help the cause of survival while being told we are useless, particularly by media and the almighty fame factory.

That we will never amount to anything, is how we are trained to see ourselves and the whole world other than those who are promoted as winner, a success, a phenomenon, millionaire.  In short a thing!

However the planet we call home is being destroyed by greed and pollution, and to do this, we are hypnotized to believe the process is natural, the truth.

It will take most if not all of us to defend life here above the work of influencers and psychopaths. Not by killing them or anyone else, but by holding up our love for life, social justice and action, writing letters, speaking out, thinking about our choices.

The Olympics required more manpower back stage than Olympians. Imagine how many caretakers this world will need to survive?

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

When you feel overwhelmed by the brokenness of the world .....


Every time you hear news of "big men" conquering the world, remember those who got in the way and died before they knew they were in danger.

For centuries we have glorified the power of "great" warriors, their ability to kill thousands, control land, wipe out any semblance of peace, control people and animals, rewrite religious texts, ordering the people to follow, remember what you are glorifying is the ability to discard any connection to your heart and mind and your ancestors.

Life is not a simple screen that you can re-arrange like a chess-board. Cherish your life, cling to what freedom you have that doesn't hurt others. Be kind to yourself.

The broken world wants you to be what will benefit them. Be what you need yourself to be. Your life is not just an opportunity to invest in the economy. The economy is what you might produce but it's not the reason for your being here.

Sing, dance, write, draw, play, listen and laugh.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Those Who Choose To Ridicule Others


... have lived an empty life. Something is missing and they don't know what. They need others who are different to ridicule because they feel inadequate yet don't know why. Is it because they are not the prettiest in their class or the one with highest marks? They are hoping that soon they will shine at something, be discovered as a great talent. They might even enter a beauty contest just to meet others. They don't expect to win. They may play a sport to see if they will be the star player.  

It is rare to hear them complement others because in their life it never happens. They live with people who become experts on what's wrong with the world. Their tension is to prove they are good, worthy or extra smart. They are alone in their psyche but they pose as the star. Must prove themselves as special because they have not shone in some area.

This all sounds very narcissistic because they live in a world that glorifies power. Only those at the top are worth anything, the richest, the most beautiful, the most gifted.

Next time you come across a bully try to give them a compliment that is not ridiculous. Something like enjoying their company, their observations, their friendship in a way that's not ridiculous. Something like I enjoy chatting with you and listening to what you think, then use a phrase which raises up a small but comforting thing. We are unique and the same in many ways. You are a friend I can talk to.

Friday, 2 August 2024

Voices of Humanity and other living creatures


I was listening to Yuval Noah Harari earlier this morning, talk about the future of humanity. As usual I am impressed, yet on edge.

Whatever conversations there are, in TV or internet, about our future, it doesn't go into the power we have. It's about power to change the world.

I say let's stop focusing on how to control others and forget the language of fear and darkness, and think about the gifts or habits we do have.

Here I must point out I am a mother and a grandmother, but I'm also a friend, a writer and a thinker.

What skills do I possess to "save the world from violence and war"! 

I love historians like Yuval. He is clearly very intelligent and highly regarded, and too smart to become a political powerhouse like that jolly man with the yellow hair. But also he doesn't use hate and fear to "win". He sounds sincere and certainly very knowledgeable.

This is where we are at. "Saving our Planet is not cost effective"! A bright and beautiful woman who is willing to stand for President. Is dismissed as a childless cat lady by right wing media.

If misogyny is what it takes to be in a position of power then send me some sleeping pills so I can sit out the next hundred years.

But it's not that easy. How do we turn off the profit driven media that loves money more than life?

Who cares about truth when the party is over and there is no food or water, no home or family. Nothing to love.

Do you get the feeling that those privileged to be "at the top". Do not dare to love and care for others, care for humanity, and are more preoccupied with their bank account than the health of their children?

I don't believe that. The upper crust may seem heartless by its politics but it's more likely they have invested in appearing strong than dismissing life itself.

Generalizations kill us all. Anything that tells us it's naive to believe we can save the world, is the killer.

Life is supposed to make us fall on our knees. We are supposed to grieve, lay awake some nights, worry.

The upper crust is what we cover sliced apples with before we place the pie in the oven.

Saving the world will be hard but if we care for our home and get real with our appearance as a living breathing sometimes intelligent being we can organize groups to save the world by caring, by healing, by thinking and feeling.

Replace the power of drugs and money with our own desire to care for this world.

I know it sounds simple at a time when we have been taught to seek answers in very complex machines.

Dear human - I love you. Yes you are flawed but so am I.

The Reason For World Poverty