Wednesday, 4 October 2023

What If All This Was Planned Centuries Ago?

What if we learned that all that has happened in the world of humans, was not just an evolution of social norms, but  planned a long time ago, about the time King James 1 of Scotland was on the throne?

What if the King James version of the bible was written to take away the essence of the Jesus' message and since he left the earth is  trivialized with many instructions by different people. 

Then later the Church could endorse teachings that mostly benefited the systems in power more than our soul. 

Then the charge of witchcraft made the wisdom of women a thing of evil, and the feminine voice was silenced.

And what if the later focus on rules supported the values and vanities of hierarchical societies, more than society being built on the teachings of Christ. Where wealth was praised in beautiful churches rather than the reverse. 

And the readings from Genesis focused  on woman coming from the rib of Adam and the sin of Eve listening to the serpent, as a warning against the power of women. 

Then the requirement that women obey their husbands and fathers, and laws forbidding woman to speak in public. To remain soft and "feminine" and focus on the home, to love, honour and obey, which removed the feminine experience from public discussion, making her a possession.

Not even capable to create men, boy yes but man must be self-made to be real. 

Earlier women warriors, long deleted from history, a man must be conditioned to dismiss his feelings to be the warrior. 

Society then must have a structure of habits and laws that revere a class system from aristocracy to slave, to keep social order and people in line.

Then laws on who you can love, obey your elders, marry who they choose for you, and make sure you do not bring shame to your family.

Capitalism decides who can earn money and how much, who can build transport systems, cities, houses and parks.

Democracy was developed to engage all citizens in the legal and educational goals, but the class system encouraged knowledge for some and shut out the majority of people, which enabled business to exploit the desperate poor as workers.

Morality declined as the human conscience was overruled by manners and traditions. The essence of justice is to alleviate suffering for all. Such an idea is often trounced as soft and naive and systems of terrible cruelty have even ruled the church. (Residential schools, removing children from their parents to "kill the Indian in the child"). 

There were no laws that said we should care about each other, make sure people and animals are not treated cruelly. No sense that how we treat those on the "bottom" affects our own well being, no relationship of duty towards those who were lower in the public order.

 Materialism replaced relationship, power replaced compassion, and capitalism replaced wisdom. 

Politics is the public display of how we treat one another, keeping some in line, allowing others  privilege.

Where power-over has been the primary goal we fail to take responsibility to care for the future. Now power has its appetite on the breakdown of society in readiness to grab more power for the few and disaster for the majority.

Was this the plan from the beginning, to cloud our minds from the task of responsibility, insight and intelligence, for the sake of self-interest? To keep the focus on power in order to override the wisdom of our conscience? Or is it simply self-interest overriding our deeper selves?

These are the questions we need to trouble ourselves with. We are not thinking too much, we are thinking.

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