Monday, 23 October 2023

The Circle Never Ends


The Circle Never Ends

No beginning or ending

the start is attached to the ending

never gets carried away

by opportunists

slick talkers

capitalists trained to think

only of the profit to be made.

Religion doesn’t emerge

because it has a new doctrine

religion is the basis of habit

revealing what we do not want

to see in ourselves

even though we might pledge

our lives to a better future.

We are what we have become

in all the years we have been here

no beginning or end

—-even when we die

we shall be remembered

for what we left behind

what we have inspired

purchased and sold.

If you sit in a chair

and can’t get out

that’s where you’ll die

if no-one wants to pull you


if your legs will not stand

you will sit and stay seated

and after you have finished

breathing you will not speak

or hear

so who will wash your body

who will write your poems

pay your bills care for your grand-children

who will be the teachers

heal the sick — love the unloved

who will have the strength

to lift lifeless bodies

rotting on the battlefield

who will report the end of life

on this planet

when no-one is here to notice

the everlasting night following day

the unheard silence or thunder.

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