Thursday, 12 October 2023

Come Join With Me In A Circle of Song

"Come join with me in a circle of song, the young and the old, the weak and the strong, singing with one voice though we may speak different tongues in the circle of song we are one"

For several years now I have become sickened with the way humanity has been presented in media, politics and war. Outraged about the way things have become. Yes anger is understandable but we can't survive by seeing who can hurt the most people.

The news has reported people dying on the street of overdoses, politicians scheming to win through division and despair, the breakdown of our health care system and the threat of climate collapse. Voices questioning whether we are headed for war, strong men seeking how much damage and cruelty they can inflict, terrorism in Ukraine and Israel. 

All this against the backdrop of the economy, inequality, celebrity and fascism. Its as if we are waiting to die when there are so many good anxious souls working to feed the poor, house the homeless, build schools, display art and write songs.

When I first heard Tony Turner's "Circle of Song" - I thought yes the number of people writing songs and singing them, working for and wanting peace, putting their time and energy to solving problems through kindness, raising families, healing the sick, counselling the hurt - far outweighs the people looking for power-over at any cost. 

The majority of human souls struggle to survive and help their loved ones survive. So I propose that people write short poems on the grist of our efforts to present who we are by what we want to save, what takes up our daily chores of care to nurture, what brings us home to the circle where we share the songs (poems) and we find inspiration among the brave acts of men and women.

Send your written poem to with a note to give me permission to publish. The submissions chosen will be include in a book, with your name and a short blurb about who you are.  I can't pay for your work but I hope to send out booklets as an example of the part of humanity that doesn't get headlined.

The circle of song is how we contribute to the future, to kindness for the sake of survival. Not that we can offer any promises we shall survive, but we can do whatever we can.

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