Sunday, 4 June 2023

Life is Fragile


Now all you have to do to ban books that indicate abuse of power - is blame the LGBTQ movement. Rather than point out the creep of fascism, the challenge against the freedom of people to be who they are, to think, to question injustice and abusive power - just ban the conversation based on LGBTQ freedom to be.

We see destruction of land from climate change, violence against vulnerable women and children, shortage of available health care, threat of more pandemics, threat of misapplied justice, more bullying in public places, poverty and misery - and we must ask why? Why when we should know better than to let the bullies reign, is this happening?

Are you happy? Is worry interfering with your sleep? Are you beginning to feel moments of despair?

Do you dare to read history more thoroughly? Do you dare to read 1984 again or the Handmaid's Tale? Can you stomach crime dramas?

What can you do?

Maintain connection with your humanity. The only good reason for having power is to defend life, honour relationships with those you love, make choices based on the benefit it brings to life, respect life more than personal power. 


The Reason For World Poverty