Monday, 26 June 2023

Do We Need Victims?

The girl’s parents say Tesar and his wife shouted insults. And teachers at the event say he was belligerent, accosted the family, questioned the girl’s gender and created such an uproar that the girl began crying. He wouldn’t stop when teachers asked, and the event had to be moved to a different part of the field. "

Tesar (a man) ran onto the field to accuse a girl with short hair of being a boy and then interrupted the game by insisting the girl not play.

Now how can such a bullying tactic be considered good or fair?

How can "conservative" be interpreted as defending a principle by accusing a 9 year old girl who has very short hair of being a boy. Even if she had been does not justify the bullying tactic used by the man who accused the girl (on the field in front of all spectators).

This issue only emboldens those who feel their world is beyond comprehension, who feel small and angry and need to abuse power by threatening those who cannot fight back. Politics seems to encourage this rage among right wing political parties who get their support from those who have been left behind, maybe can't afford a home, and who live with other embittered souls. It makes me wonder if bullying is an asset to the conservatives.

Is this why right wing political parties  need traumatized voters? Is this part of the capitalism that helps those who have some power own and run the world?

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