Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Capitalism Doesn't Want Real People Who Struggle With Different Identities

"The report makes clear it isn’t their gender identity that makes young trans and Two-Spirit people more susceptible to self-harm and thoughts of suicide, but rather a lack of gender-affirming care, which includes using a young person’s stated names and pronouns, facilitating access to peer groups and culturally appropriate and gender-affirming mental health supports and mentors, parental support and appropriate medical care." 

Corporate media doesn't always publish what the story is about. It looks for neat and tidy explanations. Reporting on the details of individuals takes time and tolerance but news outlets require advertising dollars. Will advertisers see their promotions represented by an independent point of view illustrating the details of an issue with compassion and sensitivity.

I had thought truth required compassion, an  in depth close look at the problem.  I have learned a lot from the painstaking articles of those who found themselves marginalized. 

Minorities can find themselves in torturous corners because we don't understand the pain and difficulty another soul is going through. It's so much easier to judge and more satisfying to believe we are successful because we don't suffer that problem.

How do we know someone is normal and not just hiding their pain from the public for fear of being ridiculed?

How many billionaires or famous people do we know who are comfortable with themselves?

Marilyn Monroe was a celebrated sex symbol and a troubled soul trying to please people. Strongmen who spend their lives organizing violence toward others to fulfill their sense of success are saying by their actions - the value of my life is equal to how much power I have over others.

Our society  applauds the narcissist who seeks to disrupt their world for personal wealth and fame. Today people are homeless in a market that encourages greed, poverty and homelessness. "It's just the pecking order" is how we defend injustice.

It matters that there is so much suffering around us, even if we personally do not benefit from it.  Our planet has succumbed to our appetites. 

The universe weeps through the fear and dread of those who are hated because they are different. When hate is used for political points we burn our future instead of nurturing it.

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