Friday, 5 May 2023

The Whitening of the Planet


In the beginning there was rock, ocean and mountain. I doubt they all arrived at once but I suspect they arrived before the White Man.

I am not a historian, or a scientist, so if anyone has greater clarity on what came first, please do comment. In fact I am muddled at which species, nations and animals came. I have heard the dinosaurs were here before two-legged creatures. 

I am aware that there were black skinned people in the place now known as UK. And we all know about the British Empire whitening the Americas and Australia. 

What do I mean by whitening?  According to Merriam-Webster to make or become white or whiter, such as skin or teeth, or white-washing the walls of a house.

What is the origin of "White Supremacy?"

"While white supremacy culture affects us all, harms us all, and is toxic to us all, it does not affect, harm, and violate us in the same way. White supremacy targets and violates BIPOC (black indigenous people of colour) people and communities with the intent to destroy them directly; white supremacy targets and violates white people with a persistent invitation to collude that will inevitably destroy their humanity." 

Anyone who wants to critique my knowledge of history and politics please go ahead but I may consider it as part of the habits of white people in respected institutions.

What I am interested in, is justice for all, fairness, the availability of people to survive without owning a gun or joining a hate group.

I don't like hate but I know there are some things I hate - like pain or discomfort or hierarchy that teaches us to not feel others' pain so we may blend into a more privileged position.

For example, hardening the ability to feel so we don't cry in public, turning away from others' suffering, pretending whatever is normal is okay.

It's what I call "whitening" the world. Making normality comfortable for the majority of people in place. Although I also believe most people don't want others to be hurt and are uncomfortable hearing about all the violence in the news or in studies of history.

I was born in England and although I have lived in Canada longer than the UK I still have a bit of an English accent even though I tried to rid my opinions of a know-it-all air, and I suspect that has caused others to dislike me. I still prefer to pronounce consonants and vowels. I am sympathetic to people who don't like the British because it reminds them of the colonial administrators and teachers who ruled without sympathy. I was guilty of that when I first arrived nearly fifty years ago. 

Having confidence is not expressing superiority. It all comes down to being fully human. Feeling the pain of those who are hurt, listening with empathy, protesting against injustice even if you are not among the harmed, even if you are privileged.

Blaming is a weapon but less injurious than guns, knives and bombs. Blaming allows me to understand anger, to know others are hurting and to have a sympathetic conversation with those who are hurting. And to appreciate feelings.

The Western Hemisphere has been influenced in habit and culture by the white habits and opinions of white people. The King James Bible, philosophy, science and arts has established the norms of white history and habit and it would be childish to pretend it hasn't hurt anyone. We don't help ourselves by turning away from the harm done by the status quo. We are strong enough to feel uncomfortable and help this planet re-arrange its habits for the greater good of all.

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