Friday, 19 May 2023

Political Parties, Popular Trends, Beliefs, Come And Go


We have not yet invented a way to live forever, but one feeling really saddens me. The focus on power as a "proof" of success.

This, I think, is the major threat to human survival. Yes various empires have risen to power, mostly by destroying their competitors.

This has led to schools teaching students the way to success is to compete for top marks in a class of about 30 others.

I remember feeling a failure because I never had top marks in anything except a test of knowledge about music. It was not announced. I never got applause but the teacher said to me, I was the only pupil who got 100 percent, in the entire school.

This was not a time for fanfare. There were no certificates as far as I can remember, no medals or anything. What I did learn throughout school and later as an adult student in University, was - learning is a way to improve the world by using knowledge to create justice.

I continue to meet and learn from people who have achieved wisdom and status by being fair, friendly and empathic. They don't seem to want badges and applause. Why?

Would it be because living in a just world, or at least where fairness exists, is the best reward, and it is incumbent upon all of us to contribute to that goal.

The British Empire wrought terrible cruelty on the most innocent when they "discovered" Canada. The United States of America has created injustice, wars, and poverty throughout the world. The White Man creates mythologies about his achievement while denying justice to those who are not white males. And still seeks to hold power-over while living in denial for the cruelty he has caused. Even now as we see climate change wreak havoc in Northern areas.

That said, so many men who are white, have tremendous capacities to achieve social cohesion. Men who see through lies, who change their ways, no longer the egocentric conqueror, who dedicate their lives and strength to save others, like firefighters, doctors without borders.

I no longer see groups identified as Christians, Jews, Muslims, white, black, rich, poor, athletic, winners or losers. I don't see a nation that is GREAT anywhere. I see people gifted at caring, creativity, sports, politics, engineering and who are vulnerable. Men who get tired, feel taken for granted, feel sad, and sorry for the pain caused by inequality.

I see the prioritizing of power to the neglect of empathy as the cause of failure. Great nations get to a certain height in self-congratulation then fall apart, it is because their addiction to power blinds them to possible solutions.

We cannot survive on a planet we have raped to near death. Well who would want to really?

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