Saturday, 1 April 2023

Dear Prophet

It's not your fault.

You did not want to be crucified

as an example of what happens to men

who think and feel for themselves

what is right and wrong

seeing and hearing all those desperate voices

clamour above all other voices

what is really wrong

and what is right.

Yes I am just a singular voice

a granny who has lived and grieved

for all the inventions and arguments

who is to blame

who is an angel and who is a devil

it's not you who created these

good guy bad guy contests

that keep surviving even as we

witness people designated as leaders

influencers ... priests of fame and gold

the National News microphone at your lips

even though your body is not in the flesh

and your mouth cannot preach

to us who don't get it

don't realize your heart is inside all of us

with different names like

Moses, Mary, Joshuah

and all the Davids who ever lived

while Eve has been silenced

for now

but one day she will speak louder

so loud we shall weep

not because we are hurt

but because she knows

what it's like to be blamed 

vilified and hated for all that

she did not do

horrified at how easy it is

for mortals to cast off their sins

and even as this planet aches

closer to death

we remember

it's not the Earth that shall die

but all limbed creatures

and their stories

like the meaning of stars

rain and wind

without songs

to the rhythm of blood

pulsing through busy veins.

It was not your fault

no matter how many times

your name was taken in vain

how many temples and churches

built in your honour

and how many lives taken

competing for the golden sword

wedged in the rock.

Here we are ... still

shutting down everything

that appears to be pointing at us

and not them.

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