Tuesday, 25 April 2023

The Royal Family

I saw an article about public opinion on The Royal Family. Statistics were gathered  - a percentage believe the Royal Family are essential and another percentage felt they were not. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

This had nothing to do with the quality of the people and everything to do with the perceived worth of THE ROYAL FAMILY as an institution. 

I remember someone once told me the King owns the United Kingdom (which would include the colonies). So no matter how King Charles III behaves or what he believes, the Royal Family is a thing - an institution. Empires establish ownership through status, castles, wealth, and manners. How people are treated doesn't matter as long as no-one knows about it.

Tabloid media is only interested in headlines, not humanity. Frenzy is key. What we do about it is not a thing. We absorb reality by collecting statistics. How we treat one another, how we care for one another, how we educate young minds, is all about points, winning, getting rich, being attractive or impressive.

I don't think its error - I think it is intentional. To organize society like a club where you score points like the money you have in the bank or things such as property, cars, diamonds, gold.

If capitalism  is the master of our conscience, then bullying is the game. How to insist that our club is about shifting positions. 

A perfect marriage is when a Roman Emperor holds a "trial" and decides to nail God to a cross and leave him there until he dies. In this warped system, the Emperor becomes God and so he can take his army across Europe and claim the land is his, or the British Empire can sail to Turtle Island, kill the people who live there and then make a profit from farms, timber, gold and oil. 

It's not that simple of course, but the first thing that must be done, is to teach the people, the animals, that they are owned by thieves who arrived by ship.

If importance is merely an inventory of what has been captured, how can we learn to get along, never mind survive. How can we care for the land if we are digging it up for oil, how can we be leaders to the people that were taken from their mother's arms, traumatized by violence from those who claim to be working for God and Jesus. How can we honour the King and expect him to rule the world fairly when the natural attachment we might have to the land, our parents, our neighbours and ourselves has been trivialized with bling.

Now if King Charles and Queen Camilla can somehow convey the meaning of life, undo all the harm done five centuries ago, we might have enough faith that the monarchy can keep us together in the realm of name and status. But first we humans must feel something about our own worth. That's work you and I have to do. No-one else can do it for us. 


  1. For me, it's obscene to see how rich the British "Royal Family" has become over the centuries. They can start paying their own bills now.

    1. they should offer you a job May.

    2. How can we find out how much and from where they took money.


The Reason For World Poverty
