Friday, 31 March 2023

Everything Is For Sale?

A Nuremberg catechism maintained that even unborn babies had ‘evil lusts and appetites’. Slothfulness was frowned upon; lazy kids were immoral. These views bled into industrialisation, fuelled by child labour. In 1790, one London industrialist proposed using children in his textile factories to ‘prevent the habitual idleness and degeneracy’ destroying the community.

Snodgrobery is that effort made by the privileged to dismiss the other parts of society that suffer from human vanity. You can feel it reading comments in social media and mainstream papers. The highest priests in our capitalist religion consistently watch for how the rest of us are trying to explain their points of view, attempting to grab some dignity for those of us who are not on the payroll of publicized "influencers" and who are routinely battered just struggling to get through the month paying their bills with a roof over their heads.

Generalizations are normally not aspired to by the compassionate grannies and grandads. Doctors and nurses are too busy to stand on public soapboxes. Teachers and professors must be careful washing the world with theories. 

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