Wednesday, 8 February 2023

The Forest of Your Creation


The Forest of Your Creation

Surprised? You never knew
you created a forest
as you wandered through
the corridors of your school
or office?

Cast your mind back
to the days of high school
in classrooms of thirty others
sitting at their desk
you—lost in thought

asking yourself what it means
determined to learn the lesson
of the Western Red Cedar 
the Lodgepole Pine 
memorizing the facts

you’ve given up the good girl
you just want to survive
… no that’s not all
you want to belong
to be present and safe.

which is why you created
your own forest
rooted in soft soil
with strong healthy branches
to help you sleep at night

you’ve given up on control
you’ve lost your short term
memory, your balance
you see status as flimsy
fantasy, ego

which you don’t like in others
so why hold onto it
guard it now AI is the Head Master
and the Queen

where is your Mother?
where is the Parting Glass?

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