Monday, 27 February 2023

Forget Politics (note to self)

The sun shone today. No-one explained why today. It's cold and the snow is still on the ground. No-one explained why.

Why is not a popular word once we finish school or university. What is where it all ends.

Anything containing the word "power" is not published unless you have a name like Vladimir, Donald, Adolf or Stephen. These are the years no-one wants to know about. We are eager to learn who will win and who will lose but not how to be here.

We want to run away from society since it was eaten by politics. There are too many broken hearts here. Most essays, stories and poems are rejected. Is that because we know what is happening? We learned as children that our thoughts and songs were merely noise and bad behaviour.

We crave something but don't know what. What we do know is that all our problems have been manufactured. Bad practices, ignorance, greed and violence towards all who are suspected of having less power than those who kill hundreds and millions.

The idea of taking care of life is outrageous to those who have been trained to exploit it. After all it's only women who give birth. In order to take away the power of women they must keep killing whatever women are known for.

But to do this they destroy their own minds and hearts. It's not easy being "they" instead of "we" because a world where you must kill or be killed is hard work. The hardest work of all and you are alone no matter who loves you or needs you.

Would you like to start again and live through the last thousand years - the wars, the plagues, the continual looking over your shoulder for who may be coming up behind with a knife or gun?

Well we have the present moment to begin to create a future. What skills do you bring? Fixing the plumbing? Driving the car? Cooking a meal? Planting a garden? Organizing a curriculum for children or adults? Healing the sick? Creating a TV show?

None of this matters when one man has the means to destroy everything just because he chose power over life and was willing to throw everyone under the bus to get it.

He is not to blame. We, with our inability to value life, our life, our relations .... above fear and greed ... have forgotten how precious life is.

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