Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Dry Eye


Dry Eye

Where are the words that frame the day?

the drops for dry eye?

The other day I watched a video on Facebook 

Teenage boys in the park

beating up whoever looked like 

they were minding their own business.

I recall the face of one girl in my class

her breathing laboured like an old man 

with synus issues breathing through his mouth

she was petite but the anger on her face

left her frozen like a permanent bruise

except for the smirk when she laughed

planning who would be her next victim

as a game, as a sport

and you could spot the bully

whose face had only one expression

—contempt for everything outside it. 

Holding their bodies hard against

everything else that lives

like the small boy collecting insects

in a jar so he could pull out their legs

for hours. When other kids asked why

he did it. He shrugged.

When I first realized I was a girl

and not a boy, I was relieved, because 

I couldn’t imagine going to war

(as if war began on a distant field 

with guns and bombs)


  1. A poem is not something to argue with, but having been bullied myself as a child, I understood later that my persistent attacker was acting out his father's resentment of people like my father -- who thought education was a public good and to be pursued.

  2. Thanks for this May. So pernicious is hate and jealousy which I suspect was a factor in your attacker's mind.


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