Friday, 4 February 2022

Using Force for Protection or Protest

There is a fine line between demanding people get vaccinated and protesting it.

Big trucks honking horns and blocking roads, destroying statues, in a city where you don't live is an invasion not a protest.

Kneeling on a protester so he can't breathe is murder not policing.

TV media that glorifies violence for entertainment over and over again, is emotional propaganda. Replacing civil society with greed and violence is war.

Taking children from their parents and sending them to residential school where they have no contact with relatives or parents and where they are punished for speaking their language is genocide.

Allowing an established elite to decide what is broadcast,  is propaganda.

A society that presents violence as normal human behaviour is corruption. 

We are living in a time where we have very little say in how our nation is run while being told we live in a democracy and our leadership is directed by vote. 

Integrity, compassion, love and connection are very important, in a just and democratic society. 

I am sympathetic to those whose beliefs are different from mine.

This pandemic is not just the virus, it is about the structural violence of patriarchy, capitalism, nationalism and the glorification of power-over. Playing one group of victims against another is how nations have been ruled since the Roman empire.

We can't stop "them" from using their power to control us but we can educate ourselves and future generations by building just societies. We are all poor when some of us are poor. We are all bullies when some of us are bullies. We all grieve when some of us are hurting.

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