Sunday, 6 February 2022

Fred Guerin: Anti-Vaxxers, Anti-Maskers and Trucker Freedom-Convoy

Fred's blog post is the most coherent article I have read on this issue and I think its worth the time to read it:

"Finally, I am not a huge fan of government paternalism, of vaccine passports and mandates. I don’t really like the idea of government tracking and surveilling me any more than I like it when corporations or social media does this. However, I have yet to hear any compelling social or ethical argument that persuades me that there is never a time when individual privacy concerns should absolutely prevail over public good. I think a lethal pandemic qualifies here for very obvious reasons. 

The choice to remain unvaccinated poses a real risk of harm to others unless those who refuse vaccinations are willing to self-quarantine—which most refuse to do. It turns out that the majority of those who remain unvaccinated also resist social distancing and mask-wearing. As I have said before, if this pandemic has taught us anything it is that we are all a fact of each other’s reality, and we, therefore, share some responsibility towards one another."

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