Monday, 7 February 2022

The Eighth Principle


We are climates weathering this moment

thinking and feeling the minutes

as they pass unnoticed

or stabbed by past errors

our eyes witness longing

in another’s eyes

read words that conspire

to marginalize colour and shape

as if a blackboard is wiped clean

words written by tears 

history or herstory

their story and ours

looks for a road to walk down

up and around like the number 8

its infinite circling over the same old

arguments guzzling gas

we cannot move forward

on that street while a truck

hogs the road silencing our minds

into submission we leave the city

its modelling of rationality

its spread sheets of plus

or minus as though

white supremacy is a truck

that sits on top of the moon

and sun guiding our spirits—

no! Turn off that engine now.

Breathe again and return the world

to stargazers and fruit flies

flowers and trees—love these 

more than metallic toys built to be used

not worshipped.

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