Saturday, 20 November 2021

Who do you go to ? Dave Neads


When you want to increase your portfolio

Make a few hundred thou on the side

Who do you go to? 

Those who have tips, insider info

When you want to get the best return 

on your money, pick up a few points

Who do you go to? 

Those who give advice, know the market  

When you want to buy that big home

Triple your investment over the next year

Who do you go to?

Realtors, who know property values 

When you want to look younger

Shave a few wrinkles, enhance your sweater

Who do you go to?

Plastic surgeons, people who know profiles.

When you seek relief from the burdensome

Traces of a functioning society 

Who do you go to?

Politicians who know the value of money.

Who do you go to when you are sick?

When you need medical attention?

Who do you go to?

Dedicated Doctors and Nurses  

Yet you advocate squeezing scant budgets

Stopping creeping socialism 

Where do you go

When it is your life on  the line?

To your stock broker? 

Your Banker?

Your Real Estate broker?

Your Investment analysts?

Like they give  a hoot about you

You need those who care,

Who devote their lives to healing  


For no profit, no investment gain

These are the ones who care about others.

Something foreign 

To your consciousness.

So let us celebrate those among us who

Dedicate their time, energy

And yes, even their lives 

To help others. 

Without them we would 

simply be another howling 

mob of dog eat dog 

in the wilderness. 

And who loses in such a scenario?

I bet you can guess.  ( Or maybe not)  

Because privilege comes with blinkers

Until the reins are seized.

Who will you go to then ? 


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