Saturday, 13 November 2021

Finding Calm Sally Quon


Hours in the ER,

too bright lights, 

sound of suffering all around,

alone, and scared.

Moved to a ward,

walls, cool and green,

low lights to ease my burning eyes – 

the only sound a murmur and a hum.

Until a voice,

calm and soothing,

“I’m here for you.  What do you want to know?”

Funny that now, years later,

when panic strikes,

I go back,  

remember the voice in the dark.

Relive the moment

calm settled in,

and I am comforted.

You are there for me, still

a ghost from the past,

lending me strength,

pushing me on.

You have no way to know

how you changed me,

how grateful I am.


against the bright light of your tender care,

my meagre words

not nearly enough.

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