Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Frontline Pat Bullock

I couldn't do what you do

I don't even want to do what you do

I don't understand why you want to do what you do

I think it is love

Love that you have deep inside your very soul

Love for the sick and crying child

Love for the pain-racked teenager

Love for the elder who can't find a voice 

to tell you where it hurts

Love and compassion

Compassion that shows in your gentle touch, 

your concerned eyes

Compassion for the child who thought 

riding a bike was easy

Compassion for the teenager who thought 

their decision was the right one                               

Compassion for the elder who hasn't any family 

to stand beside them 

and for them


Love and compassion and caring

Caring that shows in being there, in the moment, 

with time to help

Caring that shows in your voice

Caring that shows in your tender 

yet efficient touch

Caring that shows in how you speak 

to the patient and their family 

But most of all

I think it is love

Pure love and only love

Love for your patient

Love for your patient's family

Love that promises to do the very best you can, 

to the best of your ability

And that is why you have our love and our respect

Because you have all that love in you to help and care 

that we only wish we had

And for that, for that love and compassion and caring, 

we love you and we thank you.

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