Saturday, 9 October 2021

The only thing that sustains life is conscience


"Donziger, a graduate of Harvard Law School, has been fighting against polluting American oil companies for nearly three decades on behalf of indigenous communities and peasant farmers in Ecuador. His only “crime” was winning a $9.5 billion judgment in 2011 against Chevron for thousands of plaintiffs. The oil giant had bought Texaco oil company holdings in Ecuador, inheriting a lawsuit alleging it deliberately discharged 16 billion gallons of toxic waste from its oil sites into rivers, groundwater, and farmland. Since the verdict, Chevron has come after him, weaponizing litigation to destroy him economically, professionally, and personally. "

So you see my dear friends who live and breathe on this planet, who find love, bring children into this world and watch as anonymous players draw all the air to their own benefits and who have taught their children to deny their conscience for the sake of a manufactured entitlement ~ those who rule this world for their brief personal benefit do not have a conscience and cannot understand how they are destroying the future for all because they are invested in inventing other ways of capitalizing on their personal profit.

When we are gone and the ants take over we shall be reminded that once upon a time, we had potential and we let it go. That potential was the pounding heart, sleepless nights and tears we call love.

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