Thursday, 28 October 2021

De-Escalate Hate: (De-escalation Techniques Krystal Pope, JD/PhD)

Hate is a symptom of alienation. When anger becomes solidified and turns to blame, scapegoating, alienation puts our society at risk. We don't know what to do, how to fix it. There is more education and training for how to deal with this and there are suggestions of how to recognize when anger has moved beyond opinion and now looks for release.

Take notes of emotional signs of danger: crying, yelling, arguing, inappropriate laughter, fear, and confusion. 

Behavioral signs of anxiety: Rocking/Swaying, Shaking extremities, Tenseness in the body, Clenched fists, Pacing Skitish Behaviors, Rapid Breaths, Pressured Speech, Loud or Quiet, Poor Eye Contact.

Cognitive Decline: Good judgement falls away. Overgeneralizing "never" "always" "everyone". Black and white thinking, blaming.

Black and white thinking, blaming, obsessions, preoccupation, refusing to listen. What can we do? Listen without agreeing or disagreeing. Let them know you are interested and you are hearing what they say but you are not judging whether they are right or not. Bring up neutral things like music, nature, art, family if it is supportive or friends if there is no family engagement. 

Environment: maintain space, 2 arm lengths, 45 degree angle, do not block exits, ask if there is anything they need like water or food, also do they need to be alone, to sit down?

Letters to the editor that point out what we have to be grateful for, about kindness and gratitude. Mentioning the goodness but avoiding anything that sounds like an argument unless you word it gently "actually I have noticed people who ask if I am okay even though I haven't spoken to them first".

Friends are a good source of human kindness. Be gentle and kind to the people you know.

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