Friday, 22 October 2021

Conspiracy To Care About The Well Being of Others


a poem to smooth you into
sympathy with another being
a way to identify with your tribe
with affection more than DNA

you have been great for
3 hundred thousand years
carrying that big brain
wherever you went
tools, language, storytelling
appeared later 

social interaction to gain a common end
cooperation, then a great moral crash
after isolated units competed
for the most of what they wanted
establishing a class system to exploit
whoever was lower on the pecking order

invention of types, races, genders
brave new worlds of organized
relationships and religions
revolutions of industry
knowledge, schools, churches

—so this booklet is a conspiracy
of support for those who care
for our health—a common objective
the greater good. 

The booklet is now available for a donation to People For a Healthy Community or your local clinic.

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