Thursday, 3 December 2020

Winning Prizes


When I enter a contest of any kind I take care not to hope that I will win. Even literary contests. Whether you place or win depends on the judges that scan the work before it even goes to the judges.

I would be delighted to win a prize for the status. But I know this is dependent on judges who have a set of values and opinions I know very little about.

A friend of mine has won many prizes and advises that I find out who the judge is and what kind of writing she likes, what is her writing like?

This is beyond me because the poets and writers I like and read, have a gift that I can't imitate. This is probably why they are famous and I am not.

I was born with the genes that produced dirty-blonde hair and grey eyes even though I wouldn't have chosen them if I had a choice.

I came into the world with certain abilities and tendencies and have spent my years attempting to overcome what I didn't like about myself. After 70 years I realize I have won the prize.

The prize is that I married a man who helped me overcome my lack of practical skills, and that we had three children who are lovable and capable, to have had friends whose help saved my life when I needed them, as well as friends I admire and wish to learn from when I grow up.

My prize has been settling into a life that accommodates my skills and weaknesses but is not perfect so that I am challenged to make some things better.

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