Wednesday, 2 December 2020

The Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is to create more life. More varied. More colourful. However the purpose of post paleolithic life is to survive.

Competing forces make survival a game of winning and losing. 

A pecking order is created by the pecking order with most of the privilege going to the top and most of the suffering going to the bottom.

The myth is to believe we are self-made and when we win or lose it's our fault, we have failed.

We are atomized and cooperation is forced or broken down.

There is a lot of pain and a lot of undocumented pain. 

I personally think it is valuable to be aware of the world and its parts as much as it helps to be aware of the systems of oppression.

In creating more life the earth must be protected and cherished. It's not so much creating more babies as creating the intricate social system that reveres life.

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