Friday, 25 December 2020

Spreading the cheer of the season


It was a beautiful day today. First we Skyped with youngest daughter and her husband and two boys in South Africa. Their excitement on opening their new lego sets was catching and their running about so quickly is energetically inspiring.

Then we skyped with Tony's sister and brother in law in England. Learned a few things about how the UK is handling the pandemic. Pleased they look so healthy.

Then we got a call from daughter and her partner in Okanagan Falls, and put together the cubii present from them so I could exercise my legs a bit.

Later we called our son, daughter-in-law and their two kids and was energized by their happiness.

They are brimming with happiness being together.

There is no greater happiness than receiving that energy from the children you brought into world hoping they would thrive. They have all turned out to be good people and healthy.

Later we watched Scrooge for the umpteenth time while rain came down to water our garden.

Thank you to all the beings who bring joy without planning it. They beam and glow.

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