Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Emptiness of Despair

In the last few days I have felt beaten. Energy, capabilities, hopefulness, joy, have all left me. This makes me more vulnerable to despair, to find answers in nihilism. 

This throwing up of hands, giving up is apocalyptic. 

It's one thing for a single person to commit suicide and quite another when our society gives up on the future.

Everything is about money and power we might say and turn away from the suffering of others. There's nothing we can do is partly true - power is an elusive thing when it comes to making drastic changes. However a small virus has shut down our common habits like visiting family and watching theatre. 

This is an example of what can be achieved when millions of us work toward a common goal.

No it's not simple and as much as I can create future scenarios in my imagination, it doesn't change anything.

Weapons only take out the conscience and install the quick killings.

Many very intelligent, thoughtful people have created movements to fix problems and many intelligent people have found ways to create systems of greater misery.

It still comes back to what I can do, how can I resist. It's daunting but I have to start there.

Hundreds of pages have been listing all the things that are wrong in our society so I give up on being an "expert" on that.

Let's breathe well, calm our anger, and be kind. Let's mother the world since the nurturing principles have been beaten out of parliament.

Whatever talent you might have, if it's done for peaceful inspiration, for affirming the value of life, for the greater good of all, it is at least the first step and the principle for making change.

A witness to the suffering of those who are not given voice is a powerful start. As painful as it may feel, it is the beginning of the infinite world, it is the equalizer that demands attention so you can act with the authority of integrity.

Once we begin to create strategies that trick us into the appearance of winning, we act on a different impulse and we are taken down the path of corruption and confusion.

Take care.

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