Wednesday, 28 October 2020

About Conspiracy Theories

As long as power is centralized to a privileged few, there will be conspiracy theories. Utopian and dystopian imaginings flower wherever we have a few seconds to think. We survived by looking at what is happening in our world and thinking about how we can improve it for our own well-being.

There are hundreds of books theorizing conspiracies throughout the centuries of human consciousness.

Conspiracy theories will be with us as long as we think, read and speak. Conspiracy is that Universal monster that flies over and under the canopy of forests and in the soil beneath the fields. 

The big problem today is not the conspiracy theory but the lack of conscience between those who are given the responsibility to rule or protect others.

Jeremy Lent, has written five conspiracies that are real:

1. Conspiracy to turn the world into a giant marketplace for the benefit of the wealthy elite

5. Conspiracy to grow the global economy indefinitely, while killing most of life on Earth and risking the collapse of civilization.

But we don't call these conspiracies in general, we call this future planning.

There is an over-arching conspiracy to undermine the human conscience that is inclined towards love for life which is very effective.

It means educated people who have studied business, philosophy, politics, medicine, education and other disciplines would never keep their positions if they claimed that love is the central core  of what could  save the planet. This is how atomization has put us all into the boxes of a pecking order that serves the most popular ideology and why so much effort goes into torturing and killing the people who possess other ideas.

You can read 1984, watch endless crime dramas, read cultivated religious theories, about the danger of being innocent in a corrupt world.

Is there anything you and I can do about this to avoid destroying the mental health of beings forever? Perhaps it's a question as unanswerable as the meaning of life.

My suggestion is, if you can't prove the claim, go back to the values that have worked for you. Don't read everything presented to you unless there is a personal and immediate danger to your loved ones.

The danger is in the number of confusing claims. Love everyone. hate no-one, move to the edge. Then do whatever you can to make others feel worthy, loved and needed.

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