Friday, 1 November 2019

New Goddesses

Brene Brown talked of the power of vulnerability. She is a researcher-storyteller and I really appreciate the walk back to my humanity as I listen to her TED-talk. 

Jody Wilson Raybould, the truth-teller publicly scolded for not obeying the SNC Lavallin directive (I know it was neo-liberal capitalism, if not Trudeau who was to blame, but the elephant in all the rooms are special relationships between political parties and big business).  She recently got elected as an independent after being tossed from the Liberal Party.  This is no small feat and indicates her power of focus and dedication to her beliefs.

Christine Blasey Ford who is in hiding since accusing Kavanaugh and his friend of rape when she was 17, has illustrated what happens to women if they report sexual assault against a powerful man. She is a hero because her story illustrates powerfully what happens when power is centralized and victims have no recourse to justice, regardless of how educated they are.

They are not so new but one day we will see these women for the heroes they are. Either that or our society will silence women forever in a world such as The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood - another candidate for Goddess status.

We the people are very ready for the sacred servant who challenges our habits and belief, as we always have been just before fascism marches over the land with its contempt for integrity.

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