Saturday, 16 November 2019

Here's one reason why psychopaths dominate positions of power

"The justification for early boarding (school) is based on a massive but common misconception. Because physical hardship in childhood makes you physically tough, the founders of the system believed that emotional hardship must make you emotionally tough. It does the opposite. It causes psychological damage that only years of love and therapy can later repair. But if there are two things that being sent to boarding school teach you, they are that love cannot be trusted, and that you should never admit to needing help." Monbiot. The Unlearning.
Imperialism and the ruling elite have created humans who can bully while smiling.  Children learn from an early age that they are responsible for anything bad that might happen to them and they see victims as weak and stupid.

Conversations around social justice, rather than being seriously discussed, elicit the "boohoo" from others who have not been given the means to analyze their own views, who are fixed on the notion that becoming a success is a material financial thing. 

Gabor Maté has spent his life dedicated to understanding the root causes of addiction which destroys so many lives.  His study has indicated that trauma is silenced, unacknowledged among families and support systems.  
“With rising inequality and all the other problems there are right now,” he says, “people are having to question how they live their lives.”

We all have brains wired for pleasure, for happiness, but trauma broke the narrative and so we look for simple explanations.  

Women and men are trying to be what they have been told is best. Women, soft pliable and sexy, and men tough, smart and unbreakable. Capitalism has done a thorough job of presenting fantasy "heroes" to emulate.  Those who rise to the top are still that little child crying in the corner afraid of what might happen next. 

Our larger society avoids serious discussion about what we need and how we can achieve it. Too afraid to change  we hurl ourselves towards a fate built on hate and fear. 

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