Saturday, 27 July 2019

Message from 350.0rg - on Climate Change

"This morning, I learned that some of Canada’s biggest lobby groups have spent upwards of $100K in the past two months alone promoting oil and gas expansion ahead of this falls Federal election. 
It’s an upsetting reality, but what they have in money we are making up for in straight-up people power. And we need you in this movement with us. 
Join us this Monday at 3:00 pm PT / 6:00 pm ET for an Our Time Bootcamp ― an hour-long online training to learn about our plan to win a Federal Leaders' debate on climate and a Green New Deal. We will talk about the next steps to ensure that climate is centered in this election and our plans to mobilize the largest ever voting bloc of youth and millennials this country has ever seen behind a Green New Deal for Canada.
Fossil fuel billionaires are throwing money into ad campaigns because they are desperate. That’s because young people are escalating the pressure on power brokers around the world to keep fossil fuels in the ground and transition to 100% renewables fast. 
This is our time. Let’s get to it. 
PS – Just yesterday, we learned that young people in the US won a debate on climate change between Democratic Nominees through CNN. If the CNN can host a climate debate, surely the CBC – our national broadcaster – can too. Tomorrow, Cross Country Checkup, the CBC’s flagship weekly call-in show, is going to talk about climate change… sort of. We'd love for you to be one of hundreds of listeners to call into the Cross Country Checkup and demand a climate debate. RSVP for this facebook event and we will make sure you have all the call in details. "

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