Thursday, 4 July 2019

July 4th

What happened to this continent
that began with a few tribes
co-existing or going to war
with bows, arrows and hatchets
who endured the price of freedom
when Europeans came in big boats
their flesh bleached inside and out
flogging every nerve to submission
to begin again in love—
the constitution of faith
from bully pulpits
replacing the heart and vein
with litanies of fear
just like the continent they left behind
—its blood creating new rivers
its kings building new walls
while musicians scribbled melodies
with words to stir up pride 
for what they had not created
and as long as life is indentured
to the designs of men while women
merely host the fertilized seed
the waves of change will continue
to lock up children in metal cages
and presidents will be accompanied
by tanks and armoured vehicles
for here, god is the gun.

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