Saturday, 6 July 2019

Chris Hedges on the useful propaganda of war

"Military studies have determined that after 60 days of continuous combat, 98 percent of those who survive will have become psychiatric casualties. The common trait among the 2 percent who were able to endure sustained combat was a predisposition toward “aggressive psychopathic personalities." 

Chris Hedges, Peter Jackson's Cartoon War, Truthdig

An excellent piece, as always from Hedges. Worth reading and re-reading.

This is how capitalism managed to turn humanity away from its sensitive intelligence, toward the shallow workforce for profit - the man-made god.


  1. This brief post by this astute journalist startled me. While I no longer trust politicians, this post by Peter Jackson really put paid to any future belief in whatever politicians on any level of government say about any platform they try to put forward.
    As usual, it has been the working class, (those who have a 'trade' e.g. : electrician, machinist, typist, custodian, chef, etc. ), who have paid the real price of any war, for whatever reason. Those who are unemployed have been even worse off, having the lowest ranks in the military, and no hope of rising in them, (largely due to the biases of those officers who are mostly from the upper classes). Those working class infantry are placed just behind those from low income. They might be fortunate and be placed in the artillery regiments, possible. The class system within a military knows no bounds. It is long past due for the military systems of this world, to modernize, reduce the number of ranks, and become much more democratic.
    Most of all, I am appalled at the huge push for politicians, military leaders, managers and more, to regard fellow citizens as people who can be 'used'. I've seen it many times. It is time for those who say they wish to become leaders in some way, to be taught respect for each human being, and to cherish each person as they are, without evaluating them . I'm a senior citizen, and have had many conversations with my colleagues and friends at the same stage of life. We are appalled at the rude, non-caring behaviors of many of the gen x'ers and millenials today, not only in the work place, but in family life, and other social settings. This must improve now, or there will no longer be an earth worth having.

    1. Right on Diane! The contempt of rulers towards the masses is astonishing to those who realize the value of people who learn to live in and support community.


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