Friday, 19 April 2019

The Limitations of Thuggery

Many ordinary folks say what the world needs now are smart leaders with conscience and intelligence. However the recent elections point to an irrational hatred of women who are good leaders.

Is this a natural phenomenon or are there well funded campaigns helping to promote hate, eager to disparage women and encourage idiotic slander that has no bearing in the reality of world economic pressures.

An article in The Walrus written by Ira Wells, listed right wing leaders opinions which are nothing more than ad hominem hate without references. Here is a sample of attacks on Kathryn Wynne. "Our devouring mother" and "the most dangerous woman in Canada". Wynne "despises our Western Judeo-Christian culture ... she's an obedient little girl" when it comes to Islam. And "she ought to be in a jail cell for alleged party corruption."

These are not anonymous trolls. They are quotes attributed to known representatives of media and political groups.

Serious discourse in things that matter to the people of a nation should argue the facts, not slander the people.

How would a premiere of Ontario "devour" a nation and what did she do that would make her dangerous? What did she say that proves she despises Western Judeo-Christian culture? How did she corrupt the party? And more importantly what are the intentions of those who are called on to make political comments but choose slander instead. reported on the election of the UCP in Alberta that thousands of jobs were lost following the global oil price crash in 2014-15. Yet in spite of the crash in oil prices, the mantra for politicians has been build oil pipelines. Mr Kenney, (the UCP leader) campaigned as a champion of the oil sector, promising to fund a "war room" to defend Canada's energy resources at home and abroad.

Along with the hatred expressed towards women regardless of what they achieve, it appears that many will rally around the loudest mouth that promises to bully the nation into shape. The details are not important, intelligence and civil society are dismissed for the sake of a brief expression of mythological power.

How can voters fall for such vacuous displays?

How can we teach our daughters to save their mental health when our society continually chooses thuggery over reason and responsible leadership? How can we prepare them for the onslaught of abuse that has nothing to do their personal abilities or achievement and everything to do with hate?

Whenever societies begin to progress for the greater good, violence and hatred are weapons designed to appear as grassroots trends that destroy the progress and civil society.

I can hear the designers laughing at us.

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