Thursday, 18 April 2019

Even the Prophets Are Human

O blessed Lovelock, son of Gaia
even with all your science and vocabulary
you failed to wake us up until it was too late.

Global warming is irreversible and all we can do
is wait for the terrible thing to happen
the desertification of Europe, the sinking of London
the famine, the epidemic and the mass migration
of hope.

What can we do if there is nothing we can do
if earth’s reflective organ is too vain
if our power turned too much to outward aggression
punishes the inward nurture of the most delicate
new green shoots emerging above the soil?

Now we shall weep and weep as those great
sky penetrating towers fall
and we perish under their mute walls.

Such a prophecy is not new
there have been others who knew
by the way the warriors went to battle
thrusting their swords into Gaia’s children
that we would not last long
yet we believed linear logic was our sword
of immortality.

And since you are our most recent prophet
why don’t we blame you for not doing
what never worked anyway

—shaking us out of our delusions.

(from Infinite Power, Ekstasis 2016)

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